Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

All you need is a cardboard box!

Turns out that all you need to entertain this baby is a big box and a few Lego bricks!

He slept a bit better last night and we had to wake him up at 7.45 to get him ready for nursery.

This weekend I'm going to the local midwife-led unit to hopefully observe some normal births. I went there for my postnatal care after having Henry and they were fantastic - if it hadn't been for them then I wouldn't have been able to breastfeed at all let alone for almost a year.

This will also be the first weekend that Neil has had Henry by himself - the longest he's looked after him so far is 4 hours while I went out for a curry and Henry was asleep for most of that time. I'm sure he'll manage and it's good practise for when I'm back in the hospital working weekends.

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