Phoebe went to the groomers on Thursday so I thought you should see her as she is so white.  The trouble with having a dog who is a 'special' no-one seems to know how to trim her correctly.  I have only found one groomer who actually did as was asked.  So she went in looking a bit scruffy and came out like a poodle.  So the first thing I did was cut the fluffy top knot off otherwise I could have put a bow around it!

The weather yesterday was very calm, no wind and not cold so we all enjoyed a lovely walk on the beach.

The other picture, for those who asked for updates, is the glass project so far.  I worked well into the evening and I'm a bit worried about the colour and wondering whether I should insert some yellow to soften it a bit.  What do you think?

The weekend has arrived and I hope you all enjoy a good one.  Love to you all. xxxx

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