Sweet Dreams, Emerson!

Dear Diary,

Emerson had his follow-up visit with the vet yesterday and there was wonderful news!  He has re-gained a bit of the weight he lost and his kidney function has improved!  I guess the new diet and homeopathic drops he's been taking are working! He is definitely drinking less which indicates his kidneys are working more normally. I am so relieved.

This morning I found him in his usual favorite place, sleeping on the hassock in the sitting room with his head resting on a book and magazine.  I wouldn't think that would be very comfortable but he does it all the time.  The National Geographic he is resting on had a great article about the national park system.  Maine has only one, Arcadia in Bar Harbor, and I hope to visit it this year.  It is an amazing landscape.

On a much less important note, the new cellar stairs and railing are in and now the decent into the cellar won't be so scary for me.  That is a blessing but Emerson's improved health is the greatest blessing of all.

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