Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


This is Mount Parnassus, as seen from our house, way off in the distance. Between it and the foreground are two layers of Evvia plus the island of Tsoungria. Parnassus is located more or less in the centre of the mainland which means that its distance from us in the Aegean Sea is approximately the same as its distance from Kefalonia in the Ionian Sea. I wonder if it's visible from Kefalonia.

Any remaining fans of the sheep-shed saga read on. Yesterday we had to finish in a hurry because dusk was falling and the sheep wanted to settle down for the night so the final covers of the shed were just thrown over the structure table-cloth style and weighted down with pickaxes and the like. This morning, once the animals were out grazing, we took the covers off again and carried on where we had left off. First the open parts of the structure were filled in with a tensioned wire grid to make the loose covers sag less (the cats do like to use any horizontal surface above ground for snoozing and the sheep are wary of the cats). Then followed a triple layered cover which comprised a sturdy white tarpaulin sandwiched between two layers of shade netting. The purpose of the tarpaulin is to keep out rain, snow and high winds and the purpose of the shade netting is to camouflage the tarpaulin both inside and out, and to darken the interior, not simply for reasons of human aesthetic sensibility but also to calm nervous sheep.

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