Saturday Night Scoffing

I've not been sleeping well lately so I needed a lazy morning today...I took my time and read. I had nothing in for breakfast so I ate the last donut, naughty but nice. I shouldn't really be spending on frivolities, but I managed to get in at the hairdressers this afternoon, Jude was there too. She was child free today, we had our nicely quaffed hair...we could paint the town red if we wanted.

So...what exciting things did we do? Where did we go? The Trafford Centre! Actually, it was good. We got something to eat, had a little mooch and now I'm home...listening to the drips plinky plonking in the bathroom as the rain batters on the roof...sigh.

I've been feeling pretty down lately and I need a cheering up, so I'm going to Bury Station tomorrow to see the Flying Scotsman.

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