First Ever ... Art Journal Entry 1

I think it looks more like a cake.

The heart is four layers of felt.

This took a full week.
Reason -- had to wait for the oil to dry.  Now why not watercolour or acrylic paint?  I have a lot of oil paint, remainder from years ago.  Might as well use them.  What I need more of is stencils.  Should be doable.

Thought I'd shoot this before it became outdated as the next challenge is on.

This could be the beginning of a beautiful way to while away the time without becoming a full-blown hobby.  I just thought I needed an outlet for that side of  me.

Later in the afternoon, hubby started tinkering with the piano and I managed to play a couple of things for him.  THOSE muscles need loads of flexing, though.  People think making music is only about the music.  It's also about ear-and-head-and-hand muscular coordination -- your hands need to do what your ears want to hear and it needs to make sense.

A hobby-and-housework day.  Did I enjoy it?  What do you think ... ?

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