Happy 4th of July!
Independence Day, commonly known as the 4th of July in the United States, commemorates the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 when the country declared independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain.
We celebrate with picnics, fireworks and festive flag clothing. Cheryl wore a festive headband, Winthrop had a flag colored bandana, while I was sporting a red, white and blue bow tie. We went to our friend's house for a picnic and had some excellent hot dogs on the grill and flag decorated cupcakes. Yum! After dinner we went down the street and watched some fireworks.
I hope you all (in the U.S.) had a great 4th of July. I back blipped the 3rd and I am getting ready to do the 5th in a few minutes. I have 5 days off from work and we have been busy running here and there so I am just now catching up on my blips and comments.
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