A confused genius

By Lez11

Ninos retirement

Everything run like clockwork today at work. Everything that needed to be done was done and there were no problems. If only calsberg did work days like this?

After work I went out on a retirement doo (pic) for a guy who employed me 13 years ago, Niño. It's the first time I've known him to buy a beer and stay out after 6pm. Even though his name is niño mastriarni he is actually from Crewe. Granted his parents were itallian but he is just one of the jones's. My mate gem kept calling him nemo until I told her that his name was niño. She obviously didn't read the banners.

I also met up with my mates char and gem who gate crashed the leaving doo. It's always class catching up with char and gem as we have a right laugh. I even had to rob a box with a sweet in it for char from some other doo. I have a strange feeling that there will be a few mad Fridays over the next year since both gem and char now work in brum.

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