
By GracieG

An Extraordinary and Sad Day

A sad day indeed, for Britain (and the world) to lose the talent that was David Bowie.
Like many teenagers I had posters of him on my bedroom wall (much to my parent's dismay!).  What did he mean to me?  To me, he was dangerous and subversive and was as far removed as you could get from the restricted religious environment I grew up in. Despite being a 'goody two shoes' most of my life, in the Seventies I was beginning to rebel against everything that my home life represented . David and his music was so fresh and different...and, of course, he was dead cool!
His music was there through so many of my formative years, so his songs bring back many memories, some good, some not so good.
It is truly sad that this brilliant performer and cult hero has been taken from us.

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