Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


Today's blip is one of those sat at the desk at quarter to bedtime with nothing in the camera sort of blips.  I didn't have cute kitties like yesterday and I'm lacking in motivation and feeling rather sorry for myself.

I've been dizzy on and off for the last week.  I put it down to a long standing health condition and tried in vain to fix it.  When I woke in the night deaf in one ear and with bad tinnitus, I remembered that ears effect dizziness as well as your blood.  By the time I made it to work I was feeling rotten.  I needed to see a Doctor before our holiday to get a new inhaler so I called to make an appointment.  Compared to my old GP practice I was amazed to be offered a choice of times that I could see a Doctor TODAY!  Long story short, I have an inner ear infection, the pharmacist was able to dispense the spray for it but sadly due to an error on the form, I can't get the anti-vertigo tablets until tomorrow. 

A quick snap of the orchid, uplit by my little soft lamp.

Let's hope tomorrow is more still.

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