Sami's Snaps

By SamiColenutt

A 100th birthday party.

The first one I've ever been to. It was such a nice day and Nat's great granny is seriously cool. 100 - can't even imagine living that many years.

We were all a little worse for wear today. It started with having to get a taxi to Nat's mum's in the clothes we wore the night before so we could change there to go to Salisbury...Nat lied in the road for a bit in an attempt to recover. It didn't work. I felt a bit better on arrival at the home though...I think I seemed to enjoy the performance more than the boy's in the corner. I also got to see a 100th birthday card from the Queen. I didn't expect it to actually have the Queen's face on it, but there you go.

Nat's family wanted me to take a picture of them all anyway so here's one. It turns out that it's very hard to get a nice picture of absolutely everyone in the family...but we had a good go and I think they've found a few they like including this one - but silly Chris.

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