Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Seeing clearly

'Mama, I need to put on my glasses so I can see clearly'

The wee man has been really lovely the last few days, full of compliments, affection and good humour.  And thank goodness, since his sister has been pretty horrendous. I'm not 100% positive what's going on with her but I think she's going through a big cognitive leap and is making her pretty emotional and irrational. She wants to be held a lot but she thinks she wants to be put down, so she cries. So I put her down and then she cries. She cries because she wants something out of reach so i get it for her and give it to her and she cries. She indicates she wants something to eat but then when i give her food, she cries. That sort of thing.  She's been like this for the last few days but it reached peak this morning. Everything made her wail. I couldn't leave her side without her crying hysterically but i also needed to get everything in motion to get her brother to preschool this morning - eventually i had my own mini-meltdown, had a little yell, and put the wee lady in her cot for 5 mins so i could sort breakfast, get the wee man - and myself - out of our pyjamas, and splash some water on my face.  I felt like a pretty bad Mama, but when i came out of her bedroom, the wee man's face lit up.  'You're so funny, Mama,' he smiled, giving me a cuddle, 'you're the funniest'.   I think he probably meant 'the angriest' but, no matter, he still managed to brighten my day. 

Fingers crossed his sister is in better spirits tomorrow!   

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