Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Feeling bleugh!

I didn't work today but that's probably a good thing as I don't think I'd have been able to go in as I felt awful. I spent the day at home doing a few little jobs and waiting for my picture to come that I'd ordered for the playroom. I actually had one of my photos put onto canvas and spent ages dithering about the size of it before I finally opted for the smallest one available. This was a mistake as it didn't do the subject justice at all and I wasn't very pleased with the colour either as it doesn't go in the room. When the boys came home for school the feedback wasn't great so the picture was moved from the playroom to the study! Back to the drawing board with that idea I think!

At night, we went for a family meal to celebrate my eldest son's 15th birthday last week. The pub is very close to my in-laws' house so we walked back and said goobye to everyone after, which is when I spotted these lovely flowers (I don't have a clue what they are).

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