Tiny Tuesday 33

My blip buddie Jolang very kindly provided me with props for my Mono Monday blip yesterday and today I decided I would take advantage of the second hydrangea bloom for Tiny Tuesday.

A big thank you again to NickiMags888 for hosting Tiny Tuesday this week.  What a great selection last week!!

I absolutely love Hydrangeas.  I think they are the most "blousy blooms" around and this one was no exception. 

We had a great day today.  Headed to Sydney to catch up with two great mates for lunch and another wonderful friend who had just come through a major heart operation with flying colours.  All in all a very enjoyable day with very precious and treasured friends.

£123421.00 pledged so far
The total continues to rise and at the rate the pounds are being pledged we should have reached the 180,000 pounds within approximately 20 days.  That's well inside the target set by the Team of Four.  so let's give them a big surprise and smash that figure out of the ball park.  I'm sure we can organise a "Gold Medal" for the winners!

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