Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Senior Screen

I am very good at wasting hours, nay - days - with nothing to show for it. Today I wasted two hours and ten minutes of my life watching a film. Star Wars fans avert your eyes - for, yes, that is the film I spent the afternoon with.

I had vaguely decided that I wanted to see it, though I've never seen any of the others that the world goes crazy about. Why? Because I'm not a sci-fi fan. But I've read such good reviews of this one - and it's broken all box office receipts. Which, of course, doesn't necessarily make it a good film...

So Bailey's mum (a Star Wars fan) and I went to the Senior Screen today at the Cameo and had our free cuppa and biscuit and the whole cinema almost to ourselves. J loved the movie and stayed awake the whole time. She was oblivious to my sighing and couldn't see my eyes rolling at the never ending ridiculous fights or total mayhem scenes - the plucky heroes emerging each time with a witty rejoinder but without a scratch. Except that I noticed that the hero chap [Spoiler Alert!!] supposedly dead at the end, was breathing! No doubt, for the next chapter...

At one point I did take my phone out to read the papers, but there was no coverage in the cinema. *sigh*

Still - a not completely wasted afternoon - it was raining. I would have been really mad if it had been sunny!

It was also not wasted because we spotted this nice chair in the window of a wee new deli, and the owner came out to talk to us and offer some samples. I bought some samosas to take home, and some chilli jam. It's called the Little Fox Deli, newly opened.

Good luck, Rebecca - I know how hard it is being in business. I'll be back when I'm next at the Cameo. Having chosen my film more carefully...

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