
The woodies were out today for a 'choice chambers' prac, and before we put them back in their nice 5* tank I took a few shots of any I thought looked interesting.
I think this is a Common rough woodlouse, which in itself isn't that interesting, but what is interesting is it is halfway through a moult, which is why the front end is paler than the back end.
Good old Wikipedia describes the way woodlice moult perfectly
'The woodlouse has a shell-like exoskeleton, which it must progressively shed as it grows. The moult takes place in two stages; the back half is lost first, followed two or three days later by the front. This method of moulting is different from that of most arthropods, which shed their cuticle in a single process.'
Enjoying listening to all the programmes about Bowie, some of it really takes me back in time!

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