Mission San Luis Rey de Francia

We (my mom & I) had a full but fun day today!

No trip to California would be complete without going to the pier at Oceanside. 

So after breakfast we took the short ride up to Oceanside to visit the pier.  My first three extras are from the pier.  Extra #1 was taken from the pier looking toward Oceanside.  And extra #2 is a pelican that flew very close to us ... so close I almost couldn't get a good shot of him because I had the telephoto lens on my camera.  Extra #3 is what I believe to be a snowy egret.  He, too, got very close to us.  Most likely looking for a hand out.  

Once we left the pier and stopped for lunch we then traveled to the Mission San Luis Rey.   A fellow blipper had told me that her parents were buried at the cemetery there so I just had to check it out.   And I am so glad we did ..... the mission was beautiful as was the cemetery. 

Did you see my third extra!?!  As we were pulling into the driveway of the mission I saw some squirrels scurrying around on the property!  After we toured the mission and the cemetery I headed out to the field to see if I could get a good shot of these squirrels .... they are California ground squirrels.  Obviously we don't that this variety of squirrels in Pennsylvania so I was so excited to see them.   And here I thought I wouldn't be seeing any squirrels during my vacation!

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