Return to the North

By Viking

Ian B - Bachelor of Business

Here is my friend Ian - after years of toil and terror he has passed his degree in Business Studies, majoring in management. He achieved this after leaving school at 16 with 2 O'levels and a job on the shop floor at Rolls Royce.
He came to New Zealand to work on the shop floor at Air New Zealand and is now a project manager for them. As well as working full time he has been studying part time for his degree through Massey.
A few weeks ago he called me, devastated that he had failed an assignment in his last paper and thus thought he had failed the paper. He worked out he had to get over 90% in the final exam. Well this week he found out he had passed!
I have enormous respect and love for this man. (I did my degree through distance so I know how hard it is!) And despite 20 years of piss taking, cheek and general abuse I think the world of him and what he's done.

His next move is a PhD in beer drinking - as you can see he's made a start.

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