
...cake, tea, friends and laughing!!!

It has been months since Debbie and I got together, we had months to catch up required a cake and cuppa in the Trafford Centre.

 "Why can't we lose weight?" we sighed as we licked the crumbs off our is a mystery. Debbie had heard of a way to take a photo of yourself in your underwear and when you feel  like having a naughty snack you look at it. Wearing her best big, skin coloured knickers she took a snap on her phone. A few days later she was in the car with her husband and son, she was fiddling about on her us middle aged technodudes do....when she almost caused her husband to crash the car as she yelled out, "Oh my God, Oh my something!!!!" Flinging her phone at her son she went into major panic mode. 

Apparently, she thought she had uploaded the photo of her in her Bridget Jones knickers to Facebook. "Just look at, DON'T look at it...well look at it a little bit...just get it off!!!! " Her son did some fancy twiddling and Debbie's 'OMG I don't want to look like this anymore' photo was removed from all social media.....hopefully before anyone had a chance to see it. 

I wanted to get a photo of the two of us for blip, but we both were feeling blobbish. "If only I could look like this," she said as she pulled the skin back from her face. We both tried the wrinkle free facelift for the is a marginal improvement. Shame we looked at the swivel screen instead of the lens....rubbish camera :(

We laughed about that tale. We laughed about me getting locked in a school. We laughed about her son getting locked in a toilet....we laughed about everything. Debbie you were the tonic I needed, thank you !

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