Members of the Marmite Ukulele group
As you may know I acquired a ukulele in October and have been practicing ever since. I discovered that the Marmite Ukulele band meets nearby every second and fourth Wednesday of the month. This was the first occasion I was able to attend to see what was going on.
I suppose there were about 30 people there complete with bass guitar, drum, cymbols, tambourine and washboard (for the skiffle songs) People were very friendly and welcoming to a beginner like me. There were one or two other beginners too and even another player with a brightly coloured platic uke but orange not green like mine.
I was suprised to find I could join in far more than I thought. There were quite a few chords I didn't know and the song sheets didn't always give the fingerings for every chord but it was a pretty steep learning curve and anyway you just missed out the chords you couldn't play and picked up the tune when you could. We sang along to all the songs as well, which made it easier to follow what you should be playing. Overall it sounded good and drowned out any mistakes I made very effectively.
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