
By Neale55

2 months early... flowering. Usually expect this japonica to flower in March in my garden. Hope the forecast cold spell doesn't affect the plants too much.

Home blip last few days as things have been going on, together with internet go slow/stop so have not been able to visit journals. Will try to catch up over next few days.

Telephone call this week cancelling my rental cottage in Keswick due to flooding. They had escaped until the last episode and the repairs will not be completed in time for May. Pour souls were so sorry; as if it was their fault...I was disappointed obviously as it was the first week of two (second week LPH) but as property is now a premium in that area have had to look else where. Now found a hotel near Ilkley where I have not stayed before. I have only done the Western Dales so will be able to visit some locations on my 'list of places to visit'. Still looking forward to it...

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