Golden glow

There were still no trains on my line this morning and I really didn't want to have to face the awkward journey in to the office, so I texted my boss (who's off sick) to ask if I could work from home today.  She said yes, so I happily settled down in just about all the clothes I own (it was cold!) with my laptop and got on with my work from the sofa. 

Didn't think about photos too much , but I did keep my camera by me for most of the day, so I was able to capture some fleeting golden light as it filtered through the tree outside and hit our living room wall.

Cooked a massive veggie Thai curry for dinner tonight - and for several lunches to come -and finally ordered a new phone - woohoo!  I had noble intentions of 'make do and mend' with my existing phone, but then I saw a really good deal and thought I'd kick myself if I didn't go for it. 

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