my boys

Friday. Um. I can't actually remember Friday. It's only Saturday.

Breakfast, shopping, doctors for Ben (he has a painful right knee and I figured it ought to be seen before it gets worse - doctor said knock knees and has referred him to physio to be examined more in depth), Steve off to Steyning to collect his belongings and say au revoir to his old colleagues, school.

Ah yes, school.

He is a bit poorly at the moment, has a nasty cough. We got back from the doctors in time to watch five minutes of tv and then head off out back to school. He didn't want to go. At all. Cried, said he didn't like it any more. Eventually I caved and said if he really was poorly he could stay home. Even threats of no tv, no games, no reading by me, no playing with me because I had work to do etc etc didn't put him off. He was poorly. Gave him so medicine, he stopped crying with lots of cuddles while Charley was having his lunch, sat down and had a single bite of the banana he'd asked for, and announce he would like to go to school now!! Little monkey. So off we went. Happy as anything. Medicine had obviously kicked in!! He had a great afternoon, and even came home with cake and sweets because it was somebody's birthday!

Meanwhile we'd done very little. I'd made some space playdough (used a whole tub of black food colouring gloop, plus the remains of my blue food colouring liquid) which I managed to overcook sadly so it looks like rubber - I'm hoping that the glitter I've got to squish into it actually squishes in ok. I did make a ginger Herman too. Ginger in sugar syrup, black treacle, golden syrup, and some of the gingery sugar syrup. I've not tasted it. I REALLY hope it hits the sticky ginger spot that I need it to!! It's been wrapped up and frozen ready to take on holiday with us.

Pizza for tea, bedtime for the boys. Charley had had over an ounce of expressed milk with his dinner, in a sippy cup, which he was SO excited about. Only problem was that bedtime is so close to dinner time that he was full of dinner (like, REALLY full) and milk and air from sucking from the sippy cup that he couldn't get comfortable and couldn't fit anything else in so his usual method of going to sleep by nursing was not working. Eventually he grouched and grumbled and found his off switch and simply switched off, mid-grumble!! Wish I could do that! Maybe I do... Steve stayed up hoping that I'd come down soon for a cuddle, but it was gone 11pm by the time I stumbled downstairs for my insulin and before I'd even had chance for that Charley woke up wondering where I was.

I think I'm going to have to move my slow-release insulin injection to dinnertime as at the moment evenings are simply non-existent for me. As it is I'm working to clear the decks before I take the boys up to bed, knowing that I won't have chance to do the washing up or laundry before morning otherwise. I'm hoping it's only a short season of not having any evenings at all...... that old mummy mantra is resounding through my head: "This Too Shall Pass".

Amen to that!!

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