Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto


Today the Ocado lorry, with my grocery order, arrived at 0710 hours for my delivery slot which was between 0730 and 0830 hours; I was up, just! I have now changed my reserved slot to 0800 to 0900 hours as they have a habit of coming early. As he said, ‘well your lights were on so you must be up’.
I took a variety of pictures today, but as anyone who knows me will know, I cannot resist a Ladybird, especially when the weather is as cold as it is today. This one was snuggled into the Rosemary leaves and was left exactly as it was found.
Although the sun is shinning brightly it is very cold and we have extra heating on in the house. As to the new duvet, my husband, who was the one who was cold under the lighter duvet, declared that it was too hot! Me? Once asleep I know nothing until the alarm goes off at 0700 hours.

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