This day

By snapper


I wonder what people think when they walk into folks houses? In our case it must be "wow these folks are messy!" I moan about chubby hubby hanging onto useless things but then like today when its pissing down rain and I can't get out so I look around me and what do I see? Bloody chaos thats what! I have books I have read (so why keep them?) loads of mad ornaments both mine and my mothers (they just gather dust!) Stuffed toys, pictures and God knows what else if I chose to look closley. Recently I put a f ew of my dad's & my old cameras up, now hubby keeps coming in with other more recent kaput cameras and I just keep adding them but why? I go into folks houses and they are minamilst, spartan even, others have a few chosen expensive bits and peices and I just have chaotic junk! If i move house much of this stuff is going to end up in boxes ......(maybe!)
Best not viewed large!
Happy blipping

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