Afternoon All,
And the heavens opened....and never shut.....so there was only one thing for it ........cupcakes all round......chocolate brownie and a rhubarb cinnamon crumble cake for me.......they just make it more bareable facing weather like this.
Holidays come to an end Monday morning, almost three weeks and not one full day of sun......;0(
We playdoughed again today....an elephant, turtle, whale, shark, a lion, bird and a zookeeper.......we needed a zookeeper, I'm not watching this lot, got enough to deal with.......lol ;0)
Right.........ate the cake(s)......need sustenance.........cake....need......cake .... fading fast..................;0)
......is the shop still open..??................;0)
Have a great evening ;0)
TTFN ;0)
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