
By Fido

Like so many others, I struggle with intermittent bouts of anxiety or low grade depression, something that has been present in my life ever since I was pregnant with my first child. I know now what the triggers are and have learned to accept that is just part of my life, but it's never fun when it rolls around.

There are a few things that always help; laughing with friends is one (but that isn't always easy when the anxiety removes my confidence for conversation); being absorbed in the world of a 2 year old is another, as is my lovely husband's continued care (though I often find it hard that I can't express how much I am grateful to him for the way he acts in the midst of the sad times). I had the pleasure of all three of these uplifts today and I am so grateful for them all; but, but the one thing that helps me more than anything is being outside in the woods or by the sea.

I am instantly better for being in those places. I am sure so many others could be helped by this too. It honestly should be prescribed.

*dont get me wrong! I'm not a recluse. The best thing would be a walk in the woods or by the sea with a friend, my lovely husband or my beautiful little 2 year old, or indeed them all!

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