
A beautiful, cold, crisp and frosty Winter’s morning… My favourite kind of weather! So having wrapped myself up very warmly, I popped outside to capture the ice patterns on the car bonnet, as you do! Well, as you do if you’re a blipper!!

Unlike many people further north, no snow for me to build a snowman today, so instead I had some Winter fun making icy baubles to hang on my Christmas tree which is still standing in the garden (see extra photo). The birds’ water bowls had frozen over, so I simply removed the ice and then thawed a little whole with my fingers, before hanging on the tree. (I did make two but one fell off!)

If it wasn’t for the world of blip, I wouldn’t have made the effort to go out on such a beautiful morning, get some much-needed fresh air and have some icy fun! On the other hand, I also wouldn’t have had the neighbours talking about my strange antics!!

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