Flicker in a rainstorm

The rain was coming down at an angle and this young Flicker was hanging on to my birch tree, reaching for the suet. I was glad I caught him with his beak open pecking on the feed, you can see the drops of water dripping from the seed. Other angles the red on the side of his head is much more visible. I love the coloring and size of these woodpeckers.......as long as they don't start pecking on my house!  Been there, done that! ( I just wanted to underline something and I couldn't do it, anyone else having problems. Whenever I attempt to correct something, I simply end up kicked out of the comment area.)

I am sitting in my comfy recliner in my spare bedroom where I have my daily readings, journal, down blanket and a big window looking out over the cup-de-sac in front of my house. I see the tops of several tall fir trees and many maple, dogwood, alder trees in the neighbor's yards across the road. I also have a big view of the sky over the trees; I just saw one of the resident bald eagles circling above, I am wondering if the pair is looking in the area for a better tree for their nest. I suppose they will not settle right in my back yard, but I do remember my neighbor and I watching the pair circle low over our houses years ago when they were looking for a place to build their nest; we assume that was the pair that built the nest in a near tree in the wetland area close to my neighborhood; it was the nest that was recently destroyed by a strong wind gust, we hope they rebuild nearby and I think they will since they are both staying close by.

That was longer than I intended....sorry.....if you are still with me, thanks for visiting and for the wonderful comments on the barn yesterday. I was thinking about all of your comments. There is a charm to the old; I am afraid that our buildings are too "new" to be considered valuable. Our country is so "new" compared to the other side of the globe. We tend to tear down and build something more "useful". It is a bit sad, but I wonder if I owned the land and needed money to live, if I would sell to a developer knowing my old barn would be torn down. Probably I would.   :-((

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