Sleeping Beauty

Kids came back from Scout Camp today. The house has felt so empty this last week without them, but they have both had a ball, despite the near constant rain.

Usual ritual of getting them fumigated (stripped, washed, clothed, fed and rested) was interrupted by Pesky Princess having a skelf stuck in her hand and Mrs P having to extract it and clean her hand up.

Then #1 Son showed us a rash/spots he's got, so Mrs P took him off to the chemists, which turned into a trip to the out of hours doctors to get some penicillin.

Some welcome home.

At least it made the house quiet enough for Pesky to fall asleep on the couch and for me to get a Blip! Result!

Mrs P is back in her element, organising, fussing, sorting out everything. She's a star.

The utility room now smells like wet dogs have been in there. All their clothes stink, and its going to take several loads to get them all clean. I cant imagine what #1 Son's are going to be like in 3 weeks time after his 10 day camp.


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