Fae da Castle

It's been another calm and sunny day.  It still remains chilly and plenty of frost. 

I had a great night out with friends last night, but that meant a long lie was needed this morning!  I got my chores done and out of the way and then had a visit from mam, brother and his bairns.  We headed out for a walk around Scalloway with Sammy, down to the Scalloway castle and a visit to Jonny's work.  I've been out fir more walk with Sammy this evening and now it's time for my feet up with a cuppa and the telly. 

My photos of the bairns at the Castle didn't come out too great, so instead I went for the timeless classic shot from one of the castle windows.  This has been a popular shot with photographers for many years and there's been many changes taken place here, and likely more to come.  Looking down onto New Street, from the Scalloway castle.  

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