
By TheJuicyDoyenne

The Arts Book Bench

Running around State College doing errands today, I happened upon "The Arts" Book Bench at the Fraser Street Plaza. The design was created by artist Amber Elsesser and is #5 of 25 such benches to be placed throughout various locations in Centre County as part of the Centre Foundation-funded community collaboration project.
I was really very delighted with this find as I had actually been looking for these benches around town during the late Summer, without any luck. Now that I have finally discovered one of them, I have decided to create a little "treasure hunt" for myself and track down and photograph all of them during the coming months. 
Here's to 2016 - the year of "Book Benches of Centre County!"

“Many people, myself among them, feel better at the mere sight of a book.” 
Jane SmileyThirteen Ways of Looking at the Novel

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