MonoMonday - Tradition

Who would have thought that two years ago, when I started this off it would still be going for 2 years.  I do truly hope it makes it to 3 years, but we all have to pledge to do that, so please, if you haven't made a commitment yet, today would be as good a time as any.

I was kind of hoping for a bit of a gale when I took this picture, because when I was very young in Yorkshire, I have an enduring memory of my mother hanging out the washing in howling gales - it was always a tradition to do the washing on Monday.

My washing gets done whenever I can fit it in - and there's not a breath of wind.  But it's so hot that the washing has been dry for a couple of days.  I was just waiting for Monday to blip it ;)

Grateful thanks to osuzanna for hosting this month, and as always thanks to Skeena for managing the hosting roster.

As a special treat I get to award 5 hearts on MonoMonday anniversary.  I'll be doing this Wednesday (or Thursday if things get busy), so don't forget to tag your entry mm104.

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