Kit's Year

By Kit267

She Got To Wear Doc Marten's On Her Wedding Day..

There are countless traditions around getting married and when we got married 20 plus years ago, I wanted anything other than a traditional wedding...but as my parents were paying the bill I felt that I could only really nod to the non-traditional...burgandy bridesmaid dresses in a time of sugary pastels, a female vicar when they were few and far between, a ceilidh when there so much available 90's pop music, dried flowers for my bouquet, a cream and burgandy straight cut wedding dress in a time of flouncy meringues fitting for a gypsy wedding but I still had to wear the traditional cream healed wedding shoes...unlike my friend Hazel who got to wear her Doc Marten's on her wedding day..about as far from tradition as you could get...oh boy was I jealous...

Another great monomonday as ably hosted by osuzanna and it is amazing to think it has been going for two years and after the news from blip central today it seems like it could be going for another two years yet...

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