Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

You can't win 'em all!

My youngest son took part in a footy tournament today which they won last year. This year they did really well as they managed to get through to the final again. This is the first goal which was scored by their team and which was the winning goal right up to the closing 20 seconds of the match when the opposing team equalised! It then went to penalties which my son's team unfortunately lost but, as they say, 'You can't win 'em all!'.

After the torrential rains of yesterday, we went all kitted out for more of the same today but the rain stayed away and most of the day was sunny! Of course we didn't have any sun cream with us and we now look a bit lobsteresque!

My hubby has to return to the scene of today's defeat again tomorrow as my middle son is competing in the same tournament! Unfortunately I need to shop, cook, wash and iron so I can't watch him.

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