One too many mornings

By stevieholmes

The future of festivals

Went to Patchfest today - a small organic neighbourhood festival in the back streets of hilly Brighton, featuring energetic locally sourced music, home made stalls and soggy punters all mucking in for a small donation.

We arrived at the tail end - the rain soaked day had given way to cider and mud, the attending kids entertained by the mis-haps of the 'grown ups' liberating themselves of the working week whilst ignoring the state of the so called summer.

The Fish Brothers proclaimed this was the future of festivals, not giving out to the likes of big bands wanting ridiculous sums to perform, no corporate sponsorship, no merchandise, no tickets a year in advance. Just a donation on the gate in a locals park. Despite the weather and the fact my feet were soaked through I was inclined to agree. Brighton is still a fun place to live if you know where to look.

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