Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Tradition - mono

Spent all day trying to work out what to do for a blip today - what a challenge.

Tradition - "a belief or behaviour passed down within a group or society with symbolic meaning or special significance with origins in the past" (Wikipedia)

Once you latch on to one element of tradition, you can go off at all sorts of tangents and come up with all sorts of suggestions - ask my hubby, I mentioned the word a lot today.

Attending a funeral (the mum of my dear friend) started the brain cells going, not suitable to take a blip at this time but the way we say goodbye to our love ones, a cultural tradition.

I decided to take the wedding of our daughter last year as my blip. Having spent the year before her wedding making the garter for her, seemed to fit the bill (hopefully my future daughter-in-law will wear it also).

Mono Monday blip sorted :)

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