Moving Into The Unknown

By dvdlodi

I Noticed

Yesterday during church, the pastor asked us to write down the name of someone we noticed. "Send them message..." she said.  Someone in the church whom we respected, appreciated, cared about and noticed that morning.  Someone, anyone, we thought helped to make the church a community because of their presence and the special things they share.  The names and written thoughts would be collected and mailed to the people that were noticed.  A great way to recognize people in an intentional way, I thought. I looked around and saw all the usual suspects - people who give of their time and talents week in and week out.  I have so much respect and gratitude for all of them.  However, it was the man sitting in front of me who clearly had just come in from the rain, that I noticed.  Wearing a soaking wet hoodie and carrying a large black backpack, I thought - that's the guy I'm noticing.  I wrote down my observation, but had no name.  He left before I had the opportunity to talk with him. 

This afternoon I had the chance to meet and talk with the same man I'd seen during the service yesterday.  Tony.  We briefly chatted and Tony shared that he's homeless and has been sleeping in shelters. "It's tough living this way," he said, "but it makes me stronger, I guess." 

I'm glad I had the chance to put a name with the face and I hope to learn more about Tony's story.  We're all neighbors.

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