The Light Within

Well it has been a busy and satisfying day to the extent that I am only now getting to post this blip, at 10.40pm. This shot was done much earlier this morning as a quick experiment with the intention of coming back and refining the idea later on. The rest of the morning was spent playing "hunt the bracket" as we set out to purchase a bracket on which to mount the TV set to the wall. With that finally found, we spent the rest of the afternoon out in the hills on a day which was good for photography but I still haven't processed any of the shots as I spent the evening drilling and hammering and re routing cables across the attic floor. Finally got the TV up and running and Mrs.Joesblips is delighted to have the box up on the wall, out of the way and visible from anywhere she might want to view it from. All I need now is to hear a crash in the middle of the night as it falls to the ground. As a result of all this activity I am horribly behind schedule and got no further with the experimental shoot.
After two years of blipping, I can honestly say that all of you guys out there have been a light in the darkness on occasions, especially when I was out of work and often down in the dumps. Thanks to each and every one of you and even though I'm unlikely to do much commenting tonight, I'll be seeing you all again tomorrow. Enjoy the remainder of the weekend.

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