Bad design

Up early to get eco daughter up to the stables to get her horse ready. It was tipping it down. A meeting was due at 8.30 to decide what was happening. I happily headed off with spade and fork to clear some flooding.

Puddle almost welly depth the first tackled, trenches dug but little impact. I headed up the hill and tried to stop the water running off the hill. I dug 3 field drains and diverted the water into a neighbouring field. It worked and I managed to clear the puddles so the cars could pass.

I watched with envy when the flood prevention guys came with diggers to clear the logs out of the burn. Well burn that was a ragging torrent and engulfing the golf course.

Event cancelled until later, eco mum and I headed home to get dry cloths and food.

Eco son had a teenage moment of the world revolves round me and neglected his dog walking duties so I headed out again.

It was brilliant, I played at clearing drains and built 'welly heel' drains to let water flow away. On the golf course bits were so flooded it was like walking on a trampoline and when the turf split it spouted up like a spring.

The Braid Burn was colossal, a brown racing snake through the battered green. I kept Juno on the lead, I did not trust her not to enter the water as I would not go in after her.

At the new Scout Bridge the design had failed, it had pushed the water down the new path which was a river and it had gouged out a 3 foot gully right down the middle ot the road, the old flood route blocked.

Bacj home and out to feed the horses, we saw a dog walker having to run down the river bank in despair trying to rescue his dog, he got lucky as did his dog. Scary.

The view east of scout bridge .

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