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By Snowcycle

Caerketton Hill 12 days later

Saturday turns out to be very snowy and icy. We had quite a bit of snow. Twins 1 and 2 require new shoes as in the recent wet weather, wet leather smell has been the theme in their rooms. After the normal Saturday chores, we all head to Straiton, get the shoes, they.re old enough to pay for their own shoes, and I buy a new Ski jacket at a bargain price.

After lunch in a certain New York Italian style diner, its up to Ikea for some drawers for Twin 1's new storage solution for his room. I take this picture of Caerketton Hill. If you view this large, you should see some walkers heading up to the top, just above the top of Hillend. Possibly the CTC Lothians and Borders doing a walk instead of a ride. Way too icy in places to ride a bike, apart from the main thoroughfares.

Ikea proves a success, unfortunately the visit to Costco isn't. Back home well in time for coffee, and more snow. Il Giovanne Montalbano is on tonight. Benissimo.

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