Only When I Laugh

We had a "Modern Languages Department" at school - I think French was a must and the rest were options. As far as I can remember Spanish was the most popular and a long way behind came German and Italian. I don't actually remember there being any other languages on offer.

The meeting last week David had in Bavaria really has borne fruit. Both sides have today announced wanting to introduce measures to strengthen the countries/states culture and values including the language. Bavaria is looking to change the constitution. I guess the UK will need an Act of Parliament as there is no separate Constitution. Perhaps a few more meetings and we could be looking at having a unified constitution. Might increase the German class sizes in the UK. I can now see the day when my "ex pat" status is at risk and all Brits at the Hofbrauhaus and Oktoberfest will be ordering the next round in fluent German. (A tip just keep repeating the word "beer", getting louder each time, until Frowline understands)

The Bavarian President is desperate to help David for fear of Her Majesty's Opposition getting in and demanding Bavaria only brew beer containing water and build BMWs & Audis without engines.

Today I could have used Dr Dolittle for some translation help. This morning found Flash immobile and looking very poorly. Well in fact I assumed he would no longer be breathing when Luna and I returned from the morning walk. I won't describe what went on before we left but poor Luna had to cope with a very inattentive companion. Despite the -4°C temperature, I only realised after an hour that I wasn't wearing a hat or gloves. I couldn't share my thoughts with Angie at work in Munich - she couldn't do anything and it would make it even worse for her.

With great trepidation, Luna and I entered the house, Luna dashing up to him and smelling his back and then Flash slightly lifted his head. I breathed again and went to brush Luna away from the spot she was really sticking her nose in to and noticed something wrong. Closer look and saw a small hole, clearly a result of yesterdays fight and it was swollen and caused him pain when a bit of pressure applied. Flash had been lying on that part earlier and I had only stroked his head and neck.

I now had to do something as he was clearly in pain. Phoned Angie as I frankly feared I would be faced with having to make a decision which I didn't want to make without her knowledge. She then told me he had tripped up on the stairs this morning and slipped down a long way and she could only catch him when he was virtually at the bottom. Perhaps his problems were thus "just" mechanical and so off to the vet.

Before I had described the problem and events of the last 24 hours she had spotted the several swellings on his upper body - I had not seen the actual attack part and the other party didn't mention in any way that there had been real mouth contact. Possibly it was adrenalin which had kept him from hiding the pain just after it happened. She gave him a series of jabs. I'm not sure what they all were but of course included a painkiller.

Back home we waited for Angie who couldn't get home earlier as the trains were cancelled due to an "Emergency Doctor" call out on the tracks (=suicide). Two hours had gone by when she walked in the door, up went the head, up went the ears and the tail made one wag! Boy did I jump for joy. Angie was able to get him to freely stand up (with help) and go out for a few minutes to the stables having told him he had to do the horses - his sign he was no longer on standby, there was a job to be done. Lasted perhaps 10 minutes and ended when he discovered Angie had secretly gone off with Luna for a walk. Back indoors, bit more sleep and then when she returned up he got to put the horses to bed. I could have throttled him - he shot through the stables, under the gate and started his  "snapping at horse hooves" routine to get them to come in. What do you do with such an idiot?

Angie eventually went to bed, even Flash realised it wasn't a runner to go with her but he and I took the opportunity for a very very late meal. Again had to do without the turmeric paste but threw loads of powder at the pan and while I ate mainly turmeric steamed cauliflower with a turmeric white sauce, Flash enjoyed a bit of Luna's left over lunch, floating in the chicken, onion, garlic, turmeric cauliflower stock with a teaspoon of white sauce. Luckily he has quite a liking for spicy foods and so I think when we get around to making the paste he will not have a problem. Then a short midnight walk in the snow before settling down for a night in front of the bright wood fire, me on the sofa, Flash on the floor next to me.

Sorry Flash - I need to improve on the language or find an App for the mobile that can read your thoughts. The photo was taken when I had just made my farewell to him an was considering sending Angie a mobile message.

Oh! Have just been told his expression says " You stupid fool, of course it hurts and putting me on Blip yet again, ain't gonna help me"

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