Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Berries in the Rain

Much too icy to take my normal route to work in the morning. I did start, and thought the road looked way too icy. I did try it for a couple of metres, and the front wheel did slide a little. Main road route in to work. 4km less, but with 15 sets of traffic lights, I only get in to work 4 minutes earlier than I would have taking my normal route, which only has 5 sets of traffic lights.

Busy morning. I had to go to diy store to get a new diaphragm washer for the inlet valve for the cistern in the bathroom. It was raining lightly, enough to make any urban / landscape photography indistinct. These berries looked good with the water drips.

The ride home was much nicer, despite the rain. Most of the ice had gone.

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