The Crimea

It's been quite a while since I've visited TJ on the Sheepshead. It was great to see how much both the house and the land have come on in the last year. This woman doesn't squander her time! 

It was a wild night but the wind and rain had eased off by dawn to allow us to enjoy a bimble around the farm walk for a good hour and then out in the afternoon to visit the Crimea, on the north side of the Sheepshead Peninsular. To the top left you can see the ruins of a terrace of little cottages which were once home to no less than eight families. It must have been one hell of a tough life out there. It's hard to imagine.

There was a little work to do in the evening to get an important email out but I feel a bit of a fraud at the moment as I'm a lightweight compared to what the others in the group have been doing. They have been completely amazing. I'm a little in awe of them! All in all, it was a rather special day, in a number of different ways. I think most of you will understand!

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