Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Battle of the Bangers

And all over the land, the battle rages on, the Far Side fussy gits moan and complain about their tea, their faces contort with the first world problem of it not being their favourite thing  - pizza (Tess) or seafood (I know, I know, Sam has very specialised tastes).

But the Dark Side has now spoken, no more shall we be pandering to their whims, they'll eat what they are given and clear their plates  (yeah, right, note to self, remove dog from room when issuing the "clear the plate" decree, less they do what I did when I was wee and fed it to the dog on the sly). 

Of course, this is all very well and good until the Dark Side Parents run out of energy (for parents, I guess that's most nights) and foolishly relent just to get some peace...

Check out those grateful cherubic faces......

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