Historical day :D

I am a person who has no patience :) - only wild free childish impatient nature :D This 1000 blips mean much to me.  

Thank You to You all and this has been really good way to get better my english. I can write many words today in a row. Tatu ( a blipper who inspired me to blip - and He is "guilty" in this my blipping case :D ) said then, when I told that "OMG - only english - I can't do it and it is not for me" , that "You learn every day and Your english  will become better surely"  and it has been so. 

And this has done much to my photographing. I have learnt much during these years. Thank You. I am grateful.

I had many ideas today, but no my cam (my pocket cam has no selftimer) and then I decided to blip today's picture easy way and took a selfie :)
Have a nice rest day.

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