smile like a rabbit

By smilelikeabunny

The tale of the dark lagoon

I was looking for a light,
a slight break
in my world of cloud,
that might just open up
my weary eyes.

Yet what I found
was a crack of darkness
to propel me
yet further down
into my personal hades.

And there I sat,
misery piled on misery,
as I lamented
my poor fortune
and my lost way.

It was midnight,
maybe later still
for I had lost all track of time,
when my eyes did detect
a light.

Faint it was,
yet fair and true,
and I allowed my eyes
to settle
on its soft, warm glow.

By the morning
I was renewed,
and as the dark souls gathered,
hate in mind and evil loose,
I arose.

'I am free!'
I shouted to one and all,
my cry met with spit and bristle.
At the back of this evil hoard
the dark one arose.

'Free you say?'
he laughed
to hoots of laughter all round.
'You won't mind dying then?'
he declared in triumphal tones.

To a man who has died
a thousand times,
one more death
matters not one

I drew my sword,
pleased to have
something honourable
to fight for.
Life was once again, afoot.

PS On Ashover Hill is now available on pre order. Click here! The site does say release is 1st October but ignore that! The first editions roll out next week & I would love my precious blippers to be the first to read it.

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