This time of the year ...

It is this time of the year when even office shoes look like hiking boots and jogging shoes have steel spikes. There was a fresh layer of snow in the morning which made the morning look bright. However temperatures stayed around 0c so that it rather felt wet and grey afterwards.

Vita Parcours with RT before lunch. As we talked about cooking (he has Italien roots) I had to get fresh sage and prepare the Ravioli al Brasato with Burro é Salvia for dinner at home. Tignanello 2007 was a great companion.

Fetched P. from the Herrliberg train station (see extra) after work. What I like about the picture is the rush, the breath you see and the calm background with the lake. #memories

Longing for going up to the mountains soon. There is the WEF taking place in Davos, which also means no one on the slopes or terraces outside the village.

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