This is the view from my office. It's not really what you'd call an office yet, being as how most of the windows don't have glass and are held 'closed' with sticks. But one day it will have electricity, a desk and fewer bats. And a kettle - since it is about a mile from the kitchen.
Anyway, that has very little to do with my day other than that I popped up there to look at the view.
The main part of my day was spent doing the only long and tedious part of the car registration process: insurance. This would in the UK be the quickest part, but here you go to the office, and there are no appointments so you just have to take your chance that there isn't someone in front of you arranging house insurance, life insurance, health insurance and some other insurance that (eavesdropping) I couldn't understand. So that was my morning... The afternoon's insurance office session was more productive. So now the only thing remaining to do is change the licence plates.
Mr B is meanwhile having a mixed time of things in London. And won't be home soon as he needs to go up to Scotland to see his Dad, who has taken a turn for the more poorly. At least we know what it is now, it was the not-knowing of earlier in the week that was troubling.
Anyway, in family news closer to home, the kids adore me tonight as they slumber in electric blanket heated bliss. And I'm headed to the same fate any time now.
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