The Kindness of Strangers

A flaming sunrise this morning motivated me to test out my theory that more walking and less sitting would help the pain in my leg. I've had numerous carcinomas removed over the years…the result of too much time in too few clothes on too many beaches as a teenager. It's a mystery why this particular one has been so painful, so I thought if it didn't feel better after a walk I would have my leg looked at by the surgeon.

 I managed one picture of a mossy oak backed by a huge water tank and hadn't gone far when I became entangled in Ozzie's leash as he rushed to greet a couple of other dogs and fell flat on my face.  As I struggled to get up, several people came to my rescue and one couple searched their pockets for tissues and gave instructions for stanching  the copious  flow of blood from my nose. At the man's suggestion, the woman took Ozzie's leash, walked with me back to the car, chatting along the way and reminding to keep my head up. I admit I was most grateful. The man caught up with us with a neatly folded paper towel that he had found in a pocket. (All I had in my pockets were plastic dog poop bags.)

 I sat in the car for a few minutes, avoiding the mirrors, and drove home one handed,  the other one being firmly clamped to my nose . I could feel the blood running down the back of my throat and wondered if a trip to the emergency department was in order. Once I was able to wash off the blood that continued to pour out of my nose for two hours, I decided that things weren't as bad as I had imagined.

It has always been my feeling that we read about so many dreadful examples of man's inhumanity to man, but on a smaller more local, scale I have found many people along life's path who have gone out of their way to be kind to a total stranger. I never got their names but If I don't see them again, I hope that I will find a way to pass on their kindness.

I won't be publishing a picture of my colorful face, but it has certainly taken my mind off my leg….

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